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Intro to Digital Marketing & Introduction to Digital Marketing Era

Intro to Digital Marketing

When we talk about an intro to Digital Marketing or Online Marketing, we have to throw some light on Traditional Marketing or Offline Marketing. As we know, this era that we are going through is Digital. Every aspect of our life is connected directly or indirectly to Digital World. There is no way, that we can avoid and live a life fully in the traditional way as old.

As an intro to Digital Marketing, I have already mentioned that traditional marketing is the usual practice of promoting an Advertisement for a product or a brand. Like Newspapers, Brochures, Notices, Billboards, Magazines, Television, Radio, etc…

But nowadays almost all of these traditional practices have been replaced by Digital Marketing. But still, some people are depending on all these old ways. Because, they are less aware of the Digital World or the scope of these new methods.

The best thing is, people should be educated to at least up to a small extent. They should be aware of new changes happening around them. Otherwise, they are losing a better opportunity to explore a new world and another dimension of business in all sense.

Change is Inevitable:

Firstly, we have to accept that, Things are changing. New technologies are arising day by day. People are diving into the digital world more and more. The future is more transparent and clear. Nowadays, people are ready to go to Mars.

And the other parallel thing is, that technology has been going to adapt fully to a Virtual World very soon. We are already a part of the Virtual world and now it’s going to the next level.

Secondly, our daily routines are going to fully connect directly or indirectly with new technologies. One of the examples is Blockchain Technology. And we heard about top digital currencies or Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, USDT, etc. have taken over the world in the last decade. As we come to our point, let’s talk about an intro to Digital marketing.

As we said, when we talk about an introduction to Digital Marketing, the main thing we have to know is,

“What is Digital Marketing?”

“What are the different types of Digital Marketing?”

” How Digital Marketing is going to help in the New Era?”

Let’s talk about this.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is a promotion of a product or service or a business brand through online mediums like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Content Writing, Email Marketing, PPC Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, and Mobile Marketing, etc.…

This world is so big that we can’t prejudice what its possibilities are. That vast the opportunities are. The best thing is, it is going to change the marketing world in all dimensions.

The latest sources from eMarketer show that the amount spend on advertisement through Traditional mediums. It has been decreased to 15% globally while Digital goes up by 12%. These metrics show the adaption of new technology worldwide by Entrepreneurs or Business brands.

It says that, by 2025, India will have around 974.86 million Internet users. And the Digital Marketing Industry will be worth the US $160 billion by 2025. Almost three times the current scenario. So we can say that, this is one of the hottest career options right now.

Traditional Marketing v/s Digital Marketing:

As we mentioned in the intro to digital marketing, both concepts are different in their ways. Let’s talk about that:

* Traditional marketing is one-way communication. It is a conventional way of marketing. Entrepreneurs or Business brands are pushing or promoting their Ads to a Mass through Newspapers, Magazines, Billboards, Notices, Television, Radio, etc…

* There is no particular targeted audience.

* Reach to only Local Audience.

# Digital Marketing is two-way communication. Clients can discuss the products or services in a live manner. They can buy, sell, review, comment or promote the product or vice versa using Online Digital platforms. Like SEO, SEM, SMM (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc…), Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, PPC, etc…

# Here, these platforms have a targeted audience.

# Reach to Global Audience.

Different Types of Main Components of Digital Marketing:


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a process of making a particular website attractive to search engines. This process will improve the quality and quantity of website traffic or a web page from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.… This extensive process includes Keyword Research, On-Page SEO & Off-Page SEO.

Keyword Research is a process of finding out appropriate keywords on Search Engines for clients to improve their traffic to their website at right time. This is the most fundamental part of SEO.

On-Page SEO or On-site SEO is the process of optimizing the content of each web page for the Search Engines and the Users. It includes the process of optimizing title tags, content, internal links & URLs. It will help to get more traffic on the website and help the site to get ranked on top of SERP.

Off-Page SEO or Off-site SEO is the process of implementing actions outside our website for ranking top on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). It is mainly related to some ranking factors like how search engines and users view the website, Relevancy, Trustworthiness & Authority.

Quality of Content matters the most, among all other influencing factors. And another main thing is building Backlinks on other domains is one of the main factors for ranking top on SERP.


SEM (Search Engine Marketing) involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in Search Engine Page Results (SERP), mainly through Paid Advertising.

Eg: Google Ads or Pay-per-click or Sponsored Search Results.

PPC or Pay-Per-Click is a method of displaying or promoting Paid Ads on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). This is mainly used to increase website traffic. Here, the advertisers pay a fee each time when one of their ads is clicked.


SMM (Social Media Marketing) uses Social Media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.… and Websites to promote a product or service. There will be a particular strategy and planning behind the whole process of promoting a brand or a product on social media websites.

A detailed analysis of the end-users will be analyzed by the brands to assess the user’s needs and how they respond to a particular product or service. This includes many factors like Google Analytics, Return on Investment (ROI), etc.…


In Affiliate Marketing, the product or service is promoting or marketed by an Affiliate (3rd person) by their efforts through any Digital platforms or Websites and they will be paid a commission for that particular business.


Email Marketing is a digital marketing method but also a traditional way of marketing, but still very applicable in online business. This is a promotion of a product or service to a mass at the same time as generating or searching for appropriate clients for respective products or services. Through this, we can maintain a lifetime relationship with the clients, boost sales, etc…


Content Writing is one of the main roles playing in ranking the webpage higher in SERP. The content can be in any form like Articles, Blogs, Art, Videos, Speech, etc… The main thing is that the content should be relevant, appropriate, useful, engaging, and insightful. Otherwise, the page won’t rank on top.


How it is going to help in New Era?

As an intro to Digital Marketing, we must accept the fact that the world around us is changing in all manners. People are searching for and adapting the best and new technologies to smoothen their life in all ways. They need flexible, comfortable, useful, trustable, and profitable way of methods to sustain both in life and their career.

In this scenario, Digital Marketing will play a vital role in engaging the customers to satisfy their needs without making many efforts and spending more money for their livelihood. The current and upcoming technologies will prove that the digital world will be more active in the coming years. And the world will be accepting these technologies in nearby future. There are no other options left.

Grasping the best opportunities at right time is a skill. And people are aware of these things more and more than old days, especially current generations. Initially, changes will be disrupting, but it’s all for good in the future.

In conclusion, digital marketing is influencing people in almost all terrains of daily lives. And we must say that the Change is Inevitable.

Most importantly, Adaptability is going to play a major role in the coming Era.

So, Better late than Never.


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